
Thank you.
Not too long ago, the acronym
SSRI was virtually unheard of.

Now, of course, Selective
Seratonin Reuptake Inhibitors...

help millions of people
lead better lives.

Today, as we speak...
a new class of pharmaceuticals
is being developed...

that has the potential to
change society as we know it.

As you're probably aware,
the reason why Hart-Mercer stock...

remains strong within this
volatile market sector...

is largely because of Dynax.
And I'm pleased to be able
to announce to you that...

Dynax has once again
been named...

as this year's most
prescribed anti-depressant.

So, on behalf of...
the board of directors and the
shareholders of Hart-Mercer...

I wanna thank you,
Dr. Michael Copeland...

for your groundbreaking work
which continues to this day.

- Congratulations, doctor.
- Thanks.

- You look surprised to see me.
- Maybe a little.

Did you forget that
I'm a shareholder?

Made us both rich.
As you keep climbing the ladder,
don't forget to count the rungs.

Remember when all we wanted
was that one bedroom house?

With our very own washer and dryer.
- And I was gonna open up a center...
- Stop. You're making me feel old.

- How are you?
- I'm good.

- Congratulations, doctor.
- Thanks.

Barbara, this is Eden Ross.
She's a post-doc. Part of the team.

- Nice to meet you.
- My pleasure.
