
absolutely your call.
But we all know the risks involved
in moving forward too quickly.

It 's going to work. I think that
we've uncreated a monster.

- Lot more cell phones!
- Tell me about it.

- This thing is tight.
- You'll get used to it.

The only way that truly gauge...
the effects of Anagress is to
observe you in the real world.

A controlled environment
can only tell us so much.

I haven't been on the
outside in a long time.

- What if I fall on my ass?
- You get back up.

This is it?
- I thought you were made of money.
- Beats your last address.

That 's fine, guys.
- Thanks.
- Let 's do it again.

- What 's your name?
- Joe Monroe.

And what have you been
doing for the last 5 years?

Working in Cincinnati, Ohio,
in a packaging plant.

- Loading boxes in a warehouse.
- Good.

Here's 3OO bucks and an
ID to get you started.
