What 's happening?
Did you hear anything?
- Where is he?
- What?
Eden said you asked her to
bring Anagress to your house.
I tried to warn you. Post-docs,
they always put their careers first.
- Where is he?
- I don't know.
He called one hour ago...
but wouldn't say where he was.
Just wanted his pills.
He didn't kill Norton.
Bill Caputo did.
It was Bill Caputo's truck
they saw driving away.
Joe Monroe doesn't have to die.
The Anagress works.
All we have to do is get him
back on the medication.
- Anagress doesn't work.
- Anagress does work.
Doesn't work!
All the subjects who
took Anagress are dead.
Their livers shut
down after six weeks.
- He's fine.
- He was on a placebo.
He was part of the control group.
He was getting
nothing but sugar pills.
If he was taking the actual
medicine, he'd be dead right now.
that 's not possible.
You knew there was a chance
he'd be in the control group.
Yes, but his biomarkers,
his seratonin levels... scientifically...
Never underestimate the
power of the placebo effect.
People have cured themselves from
every disease known to science.
Eradicated tumors, for Chrissakes!