What did your sister mean?
-About what?
-You know, about your partners.
What does she know? She's not
even in the game, uptight bitch.
And what is this lawsuit thing?
-I don't know what you're talking about.
-You don't know?
This thing with her and your brother.
I was there, I heard it.
My mother died without a will, and
my sister thinks I shouldn't get anything.
So she hired a lawyer, so then I hired
a lawyer, and my lawyer's better. Okay?
-Why did you stop working with Ochoa?
-None of your business.
Today I'm your partner.
It is my business.
You could say I unilaterally
readjusted the dividends.
-You fucked your partner?
-"Fucked your partner." Were you there?
Listen, Ochoa's an idiot, okay?
He's talented, but he's an idiot.
If it was so bad,
why would he call me again?
Listen, I'm not gonna fuck you
on this thing.
-Oh, really?
And how do I know that?
Because it would be wrong.
No, because I'm not happy
about my offer being shopped.
Because they've seen our books.
Give them one hour.
I don't care if we lose it.
I'm not prepared to go any higher.
And you can tell them that from me.
Yeah, well, I want you to tell them
in person.
But I want you to do it now.
Show me.