We've just moved into #203
We're the Fukushimas
I wanted to meet the landlord
It's just a token gift
Thank you for taking the trouble
It's very nice to meet you
Um, my husband's abroad,
you see,
so really, it's just the two of us
I hope you'll look out for us
Oh, I see
Don't hesitate to ask
Thank you very much
Introduce yourself
I'm Fukushima Akira
I see, are you in Jr. High?
I'm in sixth grade
You're so big
Once you get to this age,
it's fine, but little ones,
we, other tenants tend
to complain about them
Oh, he's very mature
He'll be no trouble
Fortunately, he takes after his father,
and he's a really good student
But now that he's in sixth grade,
he's ready to learn English...
Hold on
In the back room, please
The living room?