
Oh, Dad, this is Carlos.
- Hi.
- Hi. Nice to meet you.

Do you know anything
about electricity?

Come on.
It doesn't look like mold,
it's more like... rust.
I don't understand.
They painted the whole house
before we moved in.

Trust me, baby,
this is going to look great.
It better.
And I'm gonna go get
some paint thinner, just in case.

If you want,
phone the electric company.

The hell with that, there's
something here that doesn't work.

We've been here for three weeks now,
and every day the lights go out.

They flicker, like the voltage dropped.
Do you understand?

Look, if I were you,
I'd talk to the neighbors.

If it's a supply thing,
they'll have noticed something too.

What neighbors?
We don't have neighbors.

This is a fucking nightmare.
Calm down, okay?
I've done all I can.

In other words, fuck you, right?
In my own house. And to my face.
Fuck you!

Well, you're not getting
a penny from me. Not a goddamn penny.

The insurance company will pay me
either way. Tell it to them.
