how did you get out?
Who said you could loot the stores?
- What are we going to do about that truck?
- Nothing.
- There's people in it.
- How do you know they're not fucked up?
- For one thing, they're driving a truck.
- (gunfire)
Oh, and shooting guns.
We might let the wrong ones in.
Then i'm dead. And I don't want to die.
- Who are the wrong ones?
- Nobody here is sick. It stays that way.
- I think...
- I did not ask for your opinion!
- if you want to argue, argue with this.
- Relax
shut your fucking mouth.
- Move the gun.
- You can't turn them away. They'll die.
Tough shit. Self-defense.
- I won't kill anybody.
- I'll kill you.
- Stop it, cj. Don't do this.
- Shut up!
i'll kill all of you to stay alive.
Get the fucking gun out of my face!
- oh. You got a mouth on you.
- Somebody should show her how to use it.
- Is there a holding cell?
- Yeah. Back of the security room.
That's real good.
You're gonna get us all killed, dumb-ass!
fucking traitor.
Get off me.
I hope you got a good plan.
Come on.
(distant snarling)
- Hey!
- through here.
- I can't see a damn thing.
- Me, either.