Dawn of the Dead

ok, here's a good one. Top ten ingredients
to a successfu I relationship.

I'm gonna skip to the top three.
Number three. "he listens to me."
Number two. "he tells me he loves me."
And number one.
It's trust. Number one is trust.
(laughing) holy shit.
He got him.
- So, who do we have next?
- Er...

yeah. Burt reynolds.
Tell him to get burt reynolds.
- (steve) my goodness.
- Man, he's good.

It barely even looked like him.
Oh, oh... er...
- rosie o'donnell. Tell him rosie.
- Yeah, rosie.

Nah, too easy. Give him something hard.
You guys had rough childhoods?
A little bit rocky?

Hey, sweetheart, let me tell you something.
You have my permission -
if I ever turn into one of those things,

blow my fucking head off.
Oh, yeah, you can count on that.
I guess the first time
I knew I was gay I was 13.

This guy,
he was building a deck in our backyard...
oki just, please, stop.
