Any of this mean anything to you?
Spells. For raising the dead.
How much do you figure our share will be,
looking at that gold?
Less than it should.
Sure would be easier
if it was divided by two. Instead of...
That kid already got a bullet in him.
I reckon you could take care
of our lady friend.
- You find anything in here?
- No, it's empty.
Might not be a bad time for a storm.
It could wash away any tracks we left.
Ground will be muddy tomorrow.
We'll leave tracks that'll last for days.
You hear me ask your opinion, boy?
'Cause I didn't.
There ain't no boys in here, speculator.
I wasrt speculating on you.
I wouldn't have no use for you. None at all.
I don't see any pine trees
for you to hide behind up in here.
Boy, I'd knock those eyes
straight in your head.
Shut up, the both of you.
I wonder how they got up in there.