Look, you will see the soul
of the nation here...
in Gandhi and Gaffar,
in these books...
in the tenets of non-violence
and brotherhood
Farhaan this is our country
Yes, it belongs to the Hindu
as much as it does to the Muslim...
the Sikh, the Christian
and the Parsi
Father, the romanticism of
Hindu-Muslim brotherhood is dead
The philosophy
of Gandhi and Gaffar...
that you have been teaching me
for years... is meaningless now
Their era has passed
We are being crushed to remind us
who this country belongs to
- Father, this is the truth
And you know it
Karim Khan... alias Karim Gunner
Sir, he belongs to Latif's party
Smuggler of bombs and weapons
Intelligence report has confirmed
he will visit his family...
at Noor Manzil after midnight...
Get him
And this time, he must not escape