
to lead our protest march
Ali saheb...?
- Pardon me sirs...

but I don't agree
The reason for your refusal, sir?
- My principles

Look, Mr Latif...
if you want my involvement
in the march...

then you have
to reassure me that...

there will be no violent step
taken by our side...

there will be no violence of any kind
But if the police get violent?
Even then! Under no circumstances will
there be any violent action from our side

Ali saheb, I assure you...
we will do as you wish
Even if the police use violence,
you say we must not retaliate?

So then should we keep getting
beaten up by them... shot at?

They target our whole community
due to the misdeeds of a few fools...

our homes are torched...
hundreds are burnt alive, thousands
are ruined, rendered homeless...

and still we don't act, father?
We remain passive?
This rage of yours, Farhaan...
this deep hatred
growing inside you...

I see myself in it
This fury had risen in me too
Such bitterness had spread
in my veins too once

We were in Ahmedabad then
In 1969, there was a massive
Hindu-Muslim riot in Ahmedabad

Both sides lost countless lives.
We were brutally crushed

A vast anger filled my being
I too picked up a knife
and set out with the others
