A country's real strength lies
in its political structure...
in its economy,
in its judicial system...
in social equality
and communal harmony
And all this
our Constitution provides us
Know what you should have been, Dev?
- What?
The leader of the opposition
in Parliament
I am serious, Mr Khosla... but cheers
What's the matter, Bharati?
C'mon cheers
What do I celebrate? That I silently
listen to your holy talk!
Sorry, Bharati
Arrogant MCPs that we both are...
Tell us...
what's your scripture?
No, I have no scriptures
Just an idea
What the common citizen aspires to...
a country that provides not
just food, clothing and shelter...
but also justice and respect...
the freedom to think and choose
Why? What happened?
I asked for too much?
You asked for Utopia Bharati
And in these evil times
Utopia is not possible, is that it?
Which means no one should even think
of changing the situation? Right?
No Bharati, that's not what I meant
One should not just think but also
do something to bring about a change
But we should keep in mind
that things won't change...
unless we eliminate the enemies
of the country
No. What we must
also remember is that...
before we eliminate them,
we must know for sure...
who the enemy is,
what his correct identity is...