Dodgeball: A True Underdog Story

Gotta be limber and loose.
That's the only way to play.

Hey, you guys take vitamins?
I take vitamins all the time...

Dodgeball, eh?
If Peter La Fleur thinks a few
red rubber balls can save his sorry gym,

he's in for quite a surprise.
- Sorry I'm late, guys.
- Hey, Pete.

- Bad morning, boss?
- They usually follow good nights, Dwight.

- Hey, Gord, your family's here.
- Where?

- Right over there.
- Great.

She knows I don't like it
when she watches me. I get all nervous.

- Kids take after you.
- Yeah. She's their stepmother.

I remarried three years ago.
An Internet mail-order thing.

- How's that working out for you?
- Really great. Really great.

Hey, honey.
L for love. Good times.
L for love? That doesn't mean love...
People have different translations for things.
That's a special bond that you have with
your mail-order wife. I think that's nice.

- How many teams are in this qualifier?
- Two.

If we beat this team,
we're in the Vegas Open?

- Yeah.
- That seems pretty simple.

- Who's the other team?
- I have it right here. Just a sec.

- Troop 417.
- Christ. We're playing Boy Scouts?

Not quite.
Troop 417, ready.
Average Joe's, ready.
Set. Dodgeball.
