I've believe you've met
my fitness consigliere, Me'Shell.
- We met.
- And I almost forgot our last player.
Meet Fran Stalinofskivitchdavitovichski.
In her home country of Romanovia,
dodgeball is the national sport.
Her nuclear power plant's team won
the championship five years running,
which makes her the deadliest woman
on earth with a dodgeball.
Ball me, Blazer.
Show them, Fran.
That's just her change-up.
End of demo.
We are the Globo Gym Purple Cobras
and we will, we will rock you.
I think that guy might really be dead.
Wait a minute. How can you be
entered in the Las Vegas Open?
You didn't win a regional qualifying match.
Oh, my God. We never even won
a regional qualifying match.
Yeah. Now I remember.
The dodgeball chancellor's
an extremely personal friend of mine.
I helped him shed some unwanted poundage
before beach season.
So close your rule book
on that one, Poindextor.
White, we didn't come here to "rumble".
We came here to celebrate as a team.
There's plenty of bar here
for you and the Globo-nauts.
What team?
Your best player thinks he's a pirate.
First of all, he is way more
of a pirate than you will ever be.
Secondly, we don't know who our best player
is yet. We've only had one game.
- It could be any one of us at this point.
- Go ahead, make yourjokes, Mr