In fact it turned out there were not so few things
that the other townsfold of Dogville didn't need doing either.
As Ben had no home, Grace's domestic
experiments were absolutely things he didn't need,
but he put up with them anyhow,
appearing with astonishing punctuality
when the act of domesticity had been completed,
no matter how unpredictable business
hours in the freight industry might otherwise have been.
Olivia didn't need anyone to help June
to the toilet while she was at work,
as hitherto they had coped splendidly
with Olivia's excellent diaper arrangement.
If Jack McKay had needed a partner
for conversation he would surely have gone out
and gotten one for himself in the town.
So it was not out of need that he allowed
Grace to sit with him in his dark parlor
with the dramatic drapes on one wall
for lengthy discussions regarding
the underestimated qualities of the light on the East Coast.
As Martha wouldn't dream of burdening
the parish with wear and tear of the pedals and bellows,
while waiting for the new priest to be appointed,
she practiced without a note ever leaving the organ,
and was therefore not really
in need of anyone to turn her pages.
And God knows that Mr. and Mrs. Henson's son
did not need any help with his books,
and that the family had taken Grace
for her own sake.
And although Liz's hands had improved
through Grace's good counsel,
Thomas Edison was a doctor and
of indisputable health and he did not need care,
or help with the pills from the medicine
closet with its many secrets.
Actually Chuck was the only one
"not yet hooked", as Tom put it.