Hello. This is Dahlia, Olympia, Diana,
Athena, Pandora, Jason, Achilles.
Your children are lovely.
They are good kids. And I love them.
Please don't say any such nice things
about the kids. I cry too easily.
Both in sorrow and in joy.
- Hey, Vera.
- Oh, hi!
- Shall we go?
- I'm ready.
Thanks for leaving the map out.
I'd a plum forgot it, I'm sure.
How did you know I was going that far?
The last time I saw the thermos,
it was on the doorstep and the map was beside it,
so I just thought, when I saw the thermos
this time and no map, but...
You are a sweet girl, Grace.
Sweet as Miss Laura.
Who's Miss Laura?
You gave yourself again, Ben.
I think Miss Laura is
what Ovid might call a Maenad.
Oh, don't be ashamed, Ben.
We all have the right to make the most of our lives.
I'm sure that those ladies in those houses
they bring a lot of joy to a lot of men.
Ain't nothing I'm proud of.
It really ain't.
I know what you are doing here.