You do?
You want people to like you,
so you don't have to go away.
You are very smart.
Yes, I like it here in Dogville.
Do you want me to read to you?
About the Cyclops?
I don't like the Cyclops.
Two eyes are pretties, like yours.
If you want my Ma to like you, and let you stay.
You'll just have to be nice to me.
Maybe you should help me clean up instead.
Ma says I don't have to work,
'cept in my head.
Oh, but what about if I ask you, please?
What are you doing here?
Didn't I tell you we don't need
no help from you?
Ma asked her to mind me and Achilles.
Quiet! Get out! The lot of you.
The same nonsense!
They'd have done just great in Antiquity,
no doubt.
How is it going otherwise,
with the fooling act?
I wasn't trying to fool anyone?
I mean Dogville.
Has it got you fooled yet?
I thought you were implying
that I was trying to exploit the town.
Wishful thinking.
This town is rotten from the inside out,