Next to it was a folded sheet of paper.
It was a map Tom had drawn.
He had known where the bundle was
and had put it there.
It showed the path across the mountain.
And all the dangerous spots were
furnished with witty horrific little sketches.
But there was more.
Several people had the same idea.
They had eased gifts into the bundle for her.
Jason's beloved little penknife lay there,
all polished and shiny.
And a pie from Ma Ginger and Gloria.
And some clothing and matches, and a hymnal.
Grace opened it at number 18, where Martha
always had trouble with fingering.
And between the pages lay a dollar bill
Martha alone could not have afforded it.
Grace had friends in Dogville.
That was for sure.
Whether they were few or many did not matter a jot.
Grace had bared her throat to the town
and it had responded with a great gift:
with friends.
No gangster could deprive her of this
meeting with the township,
no matter how many guns in the world.
And should the strokes of the bell did not reach 15,
she knew now that she meant something to the town
and that her stay had been of significance.
Not much, perhaps, but nevertheless,
a trace she had left.
And the first in her young life
in which she took pride.
Grace stiffened as the bell began its toll.