I do understand that.
But you edge away when I get close.
- Why do you find me so repugnant?
- I don't find you repugnant.
Don't be upset.
I'm sorry if I doubted you.
It won't happen again.
I promise you.
I wouldn't make that promise if I were you.
When you fended me off,
a thought came into my mind
that made me ashamed.
A thought that you would hate me for.
I would never hate you, never.
Chuck, I've treated you unfairly.
It's alright to have angry
I thought of turning you in!
I thought of blackmailing you
into respecting me.
It means that much to you?
It does, doesn't it?
You've really been alone up here,
haven't you?
You haven't had anyone to comfort you
and I should ask you for forgiveness.
Still friends?