Well good. She gets angry at me,
which just means that you're one of us now.
You can see through it all, can't you?
I'll tell you, I'm gonna be asleep
in two minutes.
What if I don't want you to go to sleep?
I don't think you have a choice tonight.
I do love you, Grace.
I'm glad you love me.
I love you, too. I really do.
No, I mean, I yearn for you
when I am not with you.
I yearn for you even
when we're alone like this.
I yearn to be even closer to you...
to touch you, the way that people...
We have our whole lives ahead of us.
The thing that I love about you is
that you don't demand anything of me.
That we can just be together.
Yearning will only make it better.
Thank you for your words,
your wise wise words.