He has more than that in the medicine closet.
I talk to him in the morning and arrange a loan.
But you have a word with Ben...
It's the end of the week,
he's bound to be flat broke.
Tell your father that I will pay him back.
Of course.
Thank you.
You are always rescuing me.
I can't believe that you go on
being there for me.
Good night..
You should get some sleep.
[Narrator] Grace went to see Ben next morning.
When Grace presented the payment
as compensation between friends,
Ben did not object too heartily,
considering the trouble he could receive
from the rest of the towns-people
when they realized what had happened.
Perhaps they'd all be relieved
that she was out of their lives,
but somehow Grace wasn't too sure of that.
Ben agreed to drive her, even though he wasn't
out to profit from other folks' misfortunes, as he put it.
- I don't wanna profit from other folks' misfortunes.
- No..
[Narrator] The fact was that Ben would have driven
to the gates of Hell and back for ten dollars
And the criminal aspect bugged him less
than Grace would ever have guessed;
he had freighted all kinds of things
in his day.
The plan was for Grace to hide
among the apples.
Knowing the exact time to harvest is the
greatest art of all, Chuck had said,
and the time had come
for the apples and for Grace.
Grace, where've you been?
If I'd displayed the same indifference
to the timing of my chores I'd be in for a whippin'
Now get a move on!