We were to meet in freedom.
You're cold now, Grace.
I've just rejected everybody
I've ever known in your favor.
Wouldn't it be worth compromising,
just one of your ideals just a little to ease my pain?
Everybody in this town has
had your body, but me.
We're the ones supposed to be in love.
My darling Tom.
You can have me if you want me.
Just do what the others do.
Threaten me...
Tell me that you'll turn me in to the law,
to the gangsters and I promise you,
you can take whatever it is you want from me.
I trust you...
but maybe you don't trust yourself?
Perhaps you've been tempted, you've been
tempted to join the others and force me.
Perhaps that's why you're so upset.
All I've ever tried to do is help you.
I'm just asking if you're afraid
that you could be so human.
No, I'm not afraid of that.
Not in the least.