Duga mracna noc

Tell me about your parents.
Mom was a village teacher,
a committed atheist...

-...and my dad was a gendarme.
-A gendarme?!

-I was arrested by the gendarmes!
-They were just doing their jobs.

-You were a Communist and...
-Me? A Communist?!

I joined the Party when
I joined the Partisans,

forced by the gendarmes!
Is he still alive?
No, he's not.
After Yugoslavia's capitulation,
the farmers came to us,
our neighbors,

and beat him to death
before our very eyes.

OK, tell me how your mother
came to marry a gendarme.

She was a village teacher. Who
else could a village teacher marry.

She wasn't a looker either.
Men are so ignorant!
What kind of a question is that?

-You understand nothing.
-I guess not.

What do you see from the balcony?
We're surrounded by darkness.
Spring, 1 945
