Duga mracna noc

Greetings, Comrade!
-I need the doctor on duty.
-That would be Dr Neumann.

Comrade Colonel needs you!
Unbelievable! It can't be
possible that it's you!

I would never forgive myself
if anything happened to you!

So you're alive, huh?
I shouldn't have worried!

It's hard to get rid
of a bum like me!

-You don't look like you need a doctor.
-I need one very much.

A doctor and a friend.
Come here...
That wretch in the jeep,
he's a prisoner.

When I fled from Zagreb, he saved
my life. I have to return the debt.

-An Ustasha?
-A friend!!

You know him. Mata...
-Mata Cacic!
-I don't know any Ustashis!

First he saved me,
then my parents.

-I know, it's a risk!
-Only for you.

The Hippocratic oath protects me!
The only question is whether I want to
do anything for an Ustasha...

Ah, what's war?
War is full of indescribable events.
For example, I'm saving
the life of an Ustasha

and I haven't even counted yet all
the people they've killed in my family!

Robbie, I'd never
bring an Ustasha to you.

Sometimes I'm ashamed
of my hatred.

But then I think
