Did you?
Yes, but you know
the way he is...
Damm, it's torn...
Look it's torn here, look
at this hole...
When you mention Poland,
her whole brain
seems to freeze up.
She hates the place,
her mind wanders...
The other day she went
to play cards at Aunt Fanny's.
Aunt Fanny's a mess...
Did you talk about this?
Please call her
and say l need those documents.
lt's no joke.
l really need them, OK?
Why don't you go yourself?
l don't want to.
Say ''l need those papers, Grandma.''
l don't want to waste time.
Just once. Go and ask her.
l can't, Mom.
Take her for a walk.
l have no patience left.
All my patience get
used up on you.
She suffered a lot,
she won't discuss Poland.
lt hurts her.
Don't you understand?
She's an old lady,
she refuses to hear about Poland!
Yes, in a minute.
Are you coming?
Good morning levin
Hi sonja, good morning ¿how are you?
Hi, Mitelman.
May l?
Yes, please.
lt's great.
l have to tell you...
l don't like him
hanging around that girl.
Why not?
l don't like her.
The lnternet's the future.
Yes, but she's the past.