So this is the deal...
''The Agreement with Alfadi''
A 100-yard race in the street.
The Peruvian will run for him,
and l'll pick my runner.
The winner decides if the debt
is in dollars or pesos.
this problem
Who'll run for us?
Ramon, who else?
Why not Kim?
They are lighter.
''They''? lf l said
ltalians are loudmouths,
that's racist.
But orientals are lighter.
Ramon needs a haircut,
for better aerodynamics.
Fine. Get a haircut, Ramon!
You spoke to Rabbi Benderson?
He says it's no problem,
if the race is on Sunday...
He'll referee it.
No problem.
Sounds almost biblical:
''Ramon vs. the Peruvian.''
l have a suggestion...
Excuse me...
What's this?
Manukian doesn't want
the showroom bike,
it's scratched.
He says don't try to gyp him.
You running for them?
What are you doing here?
lt's a mall meeting.
ls he running?
Yes, he is running.
lt's an internal meeting
l'm in the union.
l have to stay.
Which union?
You can stay, but shut up.
The porters union...
Ok... you stay, but shut up,
shut up!!!
We'll have to pay Ramon
lt's only fair.
Yes, yes. He'll be paid.
He'll get 10% if he wins.