Me, too.
We all agree.
Joseph, Joseph...
We need his girl.
l don't get a word.
That's fine.
We have to get cracking
as of today.
Get the outfit, Moses.
Something colorful.
Watch out, he sweats.
Ariel, you get his number bib.
Like in ''Chariots of Fire''?
look for a good number, for luck...
The rabbi wants to speak.
And repainting the mall?
Let the rabbi speak!
Sadly, l won't be here,
for the race.
Unexpectedly and miraculously,
an important synagogue
in the USA wants me
to be the rabbi
of a large temple
in Miami Beach.
l'm moving with my wife and son,
and l'll be very well paid.
l'm to attract
the Hispanic population,
that is growing,
and be their spokesman.
l'm very sorry about this,
and wish you the best
in your endeavor.
l'm sorry, too...
but we'll have to find someone.
Alright, alright...
We have to look for someone else.
So what?
Someone from outside the mall.
Want me to handle it?
OK, Ariel.