El Maquinista

You, Reznik, Furman's office. Now!
How are you doing, Reznik?
What is this about?
Frankly I am concerned about you.
To be honest, I think you look like toasted shit.
I felt a lot on my mind lately.
-Anything we can help with?
-No, thanks. There's nothing I can't handle.

- Wanna see a doctor?
- It is not necessary, I am fine really.

Are you doing drugs Reznik?
Where is Stewart?
He couldn't make it
- Shouldn't even be in here with an union ()
- See what I mean.

Look, Trevor, I understand how you feel, but believe me,
there is absolutely nothing to worry about

Then I will just get back to work
Er... Trevor, not yet.
I need to ask you for a UA
