They ain't get to live to be honest.
Where they hiding you these days?
Hey, you wanna see something?
Look at that. Lost them on a lake.
They took a big toe from the left foot
and a finger from my right.
That is why I walk with a gimp.
Yeah, I can't shuffle my cock like I used to
but the ladies sure like it.
Oh, no. You look like you have seen a ghost.
Funny you should say that.
The guys from work don't think you exist.
- That is why I can't get a raise.
- According to Tucker, you are not even on the payroll.
You believe that?
- Why would they lie?
- They just have a little bit of fun with you.
I am not laughing.
Quit fucking around, a guy lost his arm.
He could have died.
That ain't my problem.
You caused the accident, not me.
Where are you going?
Take a leak, you wanna watch?
I will be right back, don't just bail me now.