I want you on the Swansea-leave today.
- Where is Sanchez?
- That is an irrelevant question, Reznik, I'm asking you.
- If there's anything else we can do for you, let us know.
- Thank you, Mr Furman.
Bye. See you now.
Hey, look who it is.
Bombay Miller, you ok?
- Good, good.
- You be easy now.
Yeah, man, take it easy.
My God, Miller.
I don't know where to begin.
Nah, don't sweat it, kid.
There is nothing to say.
I wish there is someway I can repay you.
Well, for a start, you can give me your left arm.
In fact, that is why I came
by here today. Isn't it, Tucker?
Fair is fair
We are just razzing you, kid
You keep your left arm,
I will keep my settlement.
Hell! How can a guy lost an arm
end up like getting a deal like this?
So, I guess you can call me lucky.
Well, Miller,
if there is anything I can do...