Besides, you should thank me.
I've just given you the perfect child.
In spite of the spell,
Ella grew up strong of mind.
Her gift made her obedient,
but her heart made her kind.
Why don't you go back
to where you came from?
- Yeah.
- Areida. What a stupid name.
- Nobody wants you here.
- I do.
Bite me.
Did you just see what Ella did?
I made your favorite,
so dig in and stuff your face.
I'm gonna get forks.
Sweetie, stop.
I always knew
something was wrong with me.
Can't you take the spell back?
You're a fairy.
I'm only a household fairy, honey.
Besides, according to fairy guidelines,
only the fairy who gave you the gift
can take it back, and we've begged her.
Not only that, but she said
she'd turn your mother into a squirrel
and take away my eternal youth
if we ever asked her again.
It's not fair.
I know, darling. I know.
So Ella now knew
why she'd always obeyed.
But she never stopped fighting
to have things her way.
Ella! Come practice your mandolin.
Fine, but I'll take
my own sweet time doing it.
Hurry up, now.
As she struggled
to find a way out of her gift,
she had no way of knowing
something worse was adrift.
Please get well, Mother.
Listen to me.
Only Mandy and I know about the gift.