It's so... quaint.
Almost like, well, it's just ugly, isn't it?
There's no room in here, either.
We're gonna have to throw out
some of your gowns to make room.
- Wait. Get away from there!
- You get away.
What's this? I do actually like this.
Please don't touch it. It was my mother's.
- Can I have it?
- No.
It can be your welcome gift to me.
Come on, hand it over.
Aren't you accommodating.
The second I sell the last of these,
I'll be back. I promise.
I know it's not a great job,
not even a good job -
OK, even a monkey could do it -
but we need the money, Ella.
- I'll miss you, Father.
- I'll miss you, too.
Hey, Olive, we should call her
Ella the Smella from Frella.
Elves, giants, ogres and humans
used to exist in harmony,
but when King Florian was killed,
allegedly by an ogre,
Sir Edgar saw it as an opportunity to exile
all nonhuman creatures to the forest,
keeping their land for himself.
Passionately put, Ella.
Give yourself a pat on the back.
What my unworthy opponent fails to realize