The diva is not in Holland to promote
a series, but she has written a book.
Ithas also been published in Dutch
entitled: ''How to Marry a Millionaire''.
Nice title.
- That's tomorrow.
She's staying here to run courses on
how to marry one. How to meet them.
It costs a packet, that course...
The course is in the Oranje Hotel
near The Hague.
Ladies,join up.
Watch RTL Boulevard again tomorrow
or visit our websitel
You know who's in your hoteI.
Ijust saw her on TV!
She even offered me
her ridicuIous course free!
Great! TeII me!
-Why do I need a miIIionaire?
Anita, I'm not getting tarted up...
...to seduce some
horny oId goat with a fat waIIet!
MiIIions of women
do on Saturday night.
You have to go to bed with them too!
- Marriage isn'tfor sex!
Don'tunderestimate nice sex!
No one has nice sex for ever!
You don't turn down
a Iife of Iuxury for that!
DeIay as Iong as you can,
then twice amonth! Fake it!
Don'tbe hatefuI. You're no whore.