Africa benefits are greatfun.
It's Ieukemia, isn't it?
That was Iast week's bunfeast.
That's Don Crump! ???
Number 12 - property...
Keep caIm... Let them have it.
Letme try...
Does Africa make you thirsty too?
I don't know about you.
But the wetter the betterfor me.
LoveIy dress....
I shouId hope so, it cost the earth.
35,000for an evening with EsteIIe!
BeautifuI women are priceIess.
Photo, Ruud!
Who is she?
-Are you someone?
No, that's no one!
A photo.Tits and Iips out!
Bye, Ruud!
Never mind...
Nice to meet you.
- It's mutuaI...
WeII, smart ass...
trying to chat up my husband?