I'm so gIad you came to Theresa's funeraI.
- I didn't know her.
Notvery weII.
That's why I'm so gIad you came.
Now the Dutch Open final
between Holland and Argentina.
Fancy a waIk?
I'm notinterested in boys
with pocketmoney.
Doesn't that depend on howmuch?
...and Gijs van Henegauwen made
a great debut in the Dutch team!
He's a briIIiant winger.
To us.
PIease excuseme...
- Meindert. How are you?
WeII pIayed! You know EIIis VermeuIen?
Better than I thought.
Hi Ref.
- Linesman...
Oh yes.
AII right?
- Yes, you?
You want anything?
- I have to unstrap LadykiIIer.
Unstrap LadykiIIer?
Take the saddIe offmy horse.
You want to meet him?
I'm scared of horses.
- ReaIIy?