[speaking in Spanish]
Now's a good time
to break the big news.
l have decided to run for Congress.
No, l'm serious.
Yeah. l mean, not the big Congress,
of course, the little one.
- ''The little one.''
- ''The little one?''
Yeah. Actually, it might be
the state senate. l can't remember.
Anyway, l'm super excited...
because we are so lucky...
and we have so, so, so much.
And l feel like
we should give something back.
So, l've decided
l'm going to run for Congress
or state senate or whatever.
And my main platform...
is going to be...
the environment.
State senate.
Environment, like the whole environment?
Yeah. l believe in all environments
and l'm going to say it.
And now for dessert.
- Flan! Oh, boy!
- Whoo!
- Come on, kids, flan time!
- Get down here, the flan's here!
[Natalie] Flan, kids! Flan!
l love flan. Do you?
What is flan?
My God, you're in for such a treat.
- You don't know flan?
- Eat your flan, buddy. Kids, flan!
- Guys, flan's on the table!
- Flan!
Flan! Flan!
Flan! Yay, flan! Flan!
What's flan?
''Jasper and Amos
shine the flashlight into the hole.
''Staring up at them, tied and gagged,
was Louie the Grouch.''