What are you doing?
Nothing. Nothing at all.
l'm just throwing away some more
completely useless inventions.
For chrissakes, Debbie, light?
Light?! Come on!
Come on! This was shit.
You think Edison would've looked up
from his workbench at some shit spray?
Yes. Yes, l do.
Because, you see, a good invention
is a good invention!
l got news for you, sister.
Edison ain't looking up.
Sister. Sister?!
l'm calling you sister.
You should be so lucky
to be my sister.
She knows what she's talking about.
Windtalker, or whatever her name is.
- Do not call her that. lt's Windsong.
- Windsong. My mistake. Windsong.
Knockety, knockety.
A-knock, knock, knock.
Knockety, knockety.
A-knock, knock, knock.
How's everybody doing?
What a day, right?
My God! Can you believe
the coffee that makes?
l knew you'd love it.
Let's go, tiger.
[gasping, cooing]
Look who's here, will you please?
Look who's here. lt's okay, poopie.
Have you been stealing apples again,
you little rascal?
Listen, and l want you to be honest,
has Corky become a nuisance?
- No.
- Not one bit.
Natalie says, ''Keep the corral closed.''
But Corky's so crazy about your apples,
l don't know what to do.
No more apples for you.
No more apples...
l can't stop him. He loves your apples.
Are you sure he's not a problem?
- Positive.
- You guys are so fantastic.
Well, my buddy boy,
let's go shoot us some golf.
Well, my buddy boy,
let's go shoot us some golf.
l got something for you.
l'll be right back.
- Nick, no. Please.
- Yes. You'll love it.