Yah! Yah!
[high-pitched whinny]
[man] Mr. Dingman!
Mr. Parmenter wants to see you!
Section 1 1 !
You wanted to see me?
[shouting] You all right?
[shouting] You seem distracted!
- What?
- Come on!
[Parmenter] Your performance chart's
pretty good until here.
And then your focus
nosedives into the red.
You see?
Now, is there anything that happened
around here...
you might like to talk about?
- You sure?
- Yeah. No.
Any reason?
Reason? No, l can't think of...
Any reason at all?
No. No reason. No.
l mean, nothing l can think of.
l mean...
you know, other than every day
l get into my little shit-box car
and there he is,
with the wind in his hair...
on his great big shiny horse.
And l drive off to do what?
To make sandpaper.
To make paper with sand on it.
l'd love to see you try to turn your
weasely little mouth into a fake smile,
day after day after day...
while waving toodly-fucking-do
to your best friend,
who's rearing up on a big white horse
like he's the Lone Ranger.
Then l'd like to see
your performance chart,
you beady-eyed
little shrimp-boat bastard!
[voice cracks] ls that a reason?
l mean, is that a reason?