Are you insane?
That is the most selfish thing
l ever heard in my life.
The guy loves you, man.
You'd be killing your best friend.
You killed his horse, right?
You killed his horse.
Now you want to tell him?
You tell him.
What about this?
We move the horse someplace else.
l find it, l get the reward.
l'm bending over backwards here.
How do we move a horse?
We dig him up. We haul him off.
No, l mean...
without anybody seeing us.
You ever hear of night?
What about the noise?
My family's right there.
l don't want them to...
You don't move the horse, l do,
while you and your family
are enjoying nature,
down at my cabin on the lake.
- You have a cabin on the lake?
- What?
You think l didn't have a childhood?
Bunk beds, hiking trails, hooty owls.
You can move a horse by yourself?
For 50 grand.
But l will say this:
Knowing what l happen to know
about things buried,
the sooner the better.
- [Tim] Hey, Deb?
- [Debbie] Mmm-hmm?
How'd you like to go
to a nice cabin on a lake?
- Cabin on a lake?
- Yeah.
This guy at work offered his cabin.
lt's supposed to be really nice.
- Who at work offered you this?
- Jackameyer.
Jack... Jack Jackameyer.
[Tim] lt's an hour from here
and it has all sorts of wildlife...
and hooty owls and stuff.
[Tim] Hiking trails.
[protestors] Where does the shit go?
We want to know!
Where does the shit go?
We want to know!