Hello, mamma?
I'm coming to see you.
You're coming?
That's nice.
Promise not to die
before I get there, ok?
Will it take awhile?
No, no.
I'll try my best.
I'm on my way.
I'll take you
as far as the ferry.
And what makes you
think I'll let you?
Here's yours...
and yours.
Excuse me, could you please tell us
how the food is arranged?
Pretend the plate is a clock...
where would the food be?
Let's see...
The potatoes are
at three o'clock...
more like ten to three.
at six o'clock...
let's say twenty past six.
Hold on...
twenty, twenty-five...
after six, to six, past five.
I think she can't tell time.
Come again?
Rita, could you
come here, please?
Peas at 5:30.
Alex, we're going now.
You'll clean up, won't you?
See you this evening.
There are these two broads.