Erbsen auf halb 6

There goes the bus.
No, that's the bus.
Hey, tired of living?
Yes. I am.
Climb aboard.
Who is Paul?
My boyfriend.
So what's it like
being with Paul?

What made you
fall in love with Paul?

He has a beautiful voice.
- A singer.
- No.

He restores vintage cars.
And when's the wedding?
As soon as
the house is finished.

Paul is building a house.
That's nice.

First a house,
then a wedding...

then children.
Everything in its place.
Cut it out already.
Then nothing can
stand in its way.

Rhinos mate
for about 30 minutes.

Perhaps that is where the
rhinoceros powder got its start...

as a popular aphrodisiac for men
suffering from impotence.

As we can see,
giant land turtles wed in April.

It's not always a case
of requited love.

She may not even be 15 yet...
the age at which
giant land turtles reach maturity.

Hello, Alex.
What are you doing here?