what do you see?
I don't understand.
Can you see anything at all?
Spots, light, shadows?
Jakob, I don't even
know what seeing is.
I see the world
through different eyes.
In my own way.
I see with my fingers...
and my entire body.
Maybe even better
than with eyes.
What about fog?
Nothing what you call colours.
No yellow...
no blue...
no fog.
It's like looking through a veil.
Things disintegrate.
Mesh with their surroundings.
This is your hand.
You're the first person whom
I can recognise by their hands.
If you were to wear gloves...
I wouldn't be able to.
I couldn't feel
this soft part here.
Or this rough part here.
I'd know that they were
the right size.
That they might even
belong to you.
But I couldn't be sure.
It's like looking through fog.