You don't tell me things, Joel.
I'm an open book.
I tell you everything.
You don't trust me.
Constantly talking
isn't necessarily communicating.
I don't do that.
I want to know you.
I don't constantly talk.
People have to
share things, Joel.
That's what intimacy is.
I'm really pissed
that you said that to me.
I'm sorry.
It just-- really just
isn't that interesting.
I wanna read some of those journals
you're constantly scribbling in.
What do you write in there
if you don't have any thoughts
or passions or...
November 19, 2003.
Dinner at Kang's again.
Are we like those poor couples...
you feel sorry for in restaurants?
Are we the dining dead?
I can't stand the idea of us being
a couple people think that about.
How's the chicken?
No. No. Thank you.
She's gonna be drunk
and stupid now.
Hey, would you
do me a favor...
And clean the goddamn hair off the soap
when you're done in the shower?
Yeah. Oh. Yeah.
It's really...
- Gross.
- gross.