Boy, that's working
like gangbusters.
Oh, my God. What is that?
Jesus Christ.! What the--
It's a birthmark.!
It did work, for a second,
But I couldn't--
I couldn't move.
Oh, well,
Isn't that just another one
ofJoel's self-fulfilling prophecies?
It's more important
to prove me wrong
than to actually--
Look, I don't want to
discuss this right now, okay?
Then what?
I'm listening.
I don't know.
You erased me. That's why I'm here.
That's why I'm doing this
In the first place.
I'm sorry.
You-- You!
You know me. I'm impulsive.
That's what I love
about you.
I have another idea
for this problem.
This is a memory of me,
The way you wanted
to have sex on the couch
After you
looked down at my crotch.
Joel, the eraser guys
are coming here,
So what if you take me
somewhere else,
where I don't belong,
And we hide there
till morning?
Oh, man. I can't remember
anything without you.
Tsk, that's very sweet,
but try, okay?
--Row, row, row your boat
gently down the stream --
--Merrily, merrily
merrily, merrily --
--Life is but a dream --
It's working!
I'm a genius.!