Does "nude beach" mean
we have to get naked, too?
Of course.
Do you think you can go an hour
without your currency colostomy bag?
As long as this thing has
our money and passports in it,
it's not coming off, and
my trunks won't come off, either.
Come on.
You came all the way to Europe.
Can't wimp out now.
All right, on the count of three.
Here we go.
Look at Jamie's penis!
Very funny. Very funny.
All right.
Let the crazy European
sex odyssey begin.
- Here we go.
- Really?
- Yes.
- Mm-hmm.
- Hello, ladies!
- Ladies?
- Bitches?
Eww! What a rip!
There's no nude girls here,
Just guys like us
looking for nude girls.
I don't understand.
"Crans Sur Mer has one of the best
nude beaches on the continent.
"during the summer,
the European women
"are chased away
by gawking male tourists,
"so Europe's most nubile exhibitionists
head to the deserted beach
"next to the Monument des Poissonieres."
There's so many penises.
Frommer's tried to tell you,
but you just didn't listen.
This is the biggest
sausage fest on earth.
It's the international house of sausage.