So, are the girls coming back?
Administer the testicle clamps!
- Huh? What? Hey!
Safe word!
What is that?!
That's not a word, it's a...
- OK, mister, don't move.
- Excuse me?
Shut the hell up!
Oh, brother! Please don't hurt me.
Oh, no... you're fine.
That's good. You're fine.
Give me cash? You got cash?
Take it all, you dirty girl.
Your wallet! Focus!
- Give it to me.
- Oh!
Oh, I love you!
I love you!
I love you! I looove you!
What's so funny?
I'm really hungry.
I think I've got the munchies.
- Excuse me.
- Huh?
It's hot in here. You hot?
'Cause I'm really hot.
- So good.
- OK, I can't breathe! God!