- I'm sorry. I shouldn't have.
- Your curiosity's perfectly natural.
My father was a strong man.
When the Nazis started
rounding up theJews in our town...
he didn't hesitate.
He hid our neighbors
in the crawl space.
But someone turned us in...
and we were all sent to
the concentration camps.
I'm sorry.
People can't really
understand, can they?
If they weren't there...
if they didn't see.
And my husband turned out
to be one of those people.
I met him after the war,
and we came to Africa together, in love.
One night I realized
I- I had to tell him the truth...
about... the Nazis...
and what they did to me.
After that, he never touched me again.
what turns a man of the cloth
into an archaeologist?
I don't know.
I suppose I-
I wanted to work with something real,
something I could touch with my hands.
Do you miss it?
Being a priest.
There's no point in that.
Sometimes I think
the best view of God is from hell.
I should get to bed.
I'm going to Nairobi tomorrow
to see Bession.
- Talk to Father Gionetti.
- Gionetti?
He runs the sanitarium.
Well, thank you...
for the medical care.
Deliver us from evil...
for thine is the kingdom,
the power and the glory forever.