I hope he finds peace.
I'm Father Gionetti.
I've been waiting for you.
How did he know my name?
Have you drifted so far from God, Merrin,
that you can't see?
Monsieur Bession
was touched by the devil.
Demonic possession?
Forgive me, Father.
I never said he was possessed.
Only touched.
So, "touched. "
What does that mean?
In 1647, the Ursuline Convent
in Loudon, France...
was plagued by possession.
Thirty-four nuns had
been touched by the devil...
committing unspeakable acts.
Having orgies including goats
doesn't make them possessed.
Simply horny... and inventive.
Four priests were dispatched
to exorcise the demons.
Three of them were possessed themselves
and subsequently died.
The last one was driven insane
by his brush...
with evil.
That is what happened
to Monsieur Bession.
And that evil remains in Derati.
You must be careful there.
Remember, he is the father of lies.
He will seek to poison your mind.
You will need this against him.
The Roman Rituals.
If you need somebody to perform
an exorcism, I'm not your man.
I'm not a priest anymore.
You will always be a priest,
Father Merrin.
Only your faith can save you.
Well, then I'm doomed.