no debate is allowed in the joint-session.
Thank you Mr. President,
to answer your question, Mr. President,
the objection is in writing,
signed by a number of members of the Houseof
Representatives,but not by a member of the Senate.
Uh, Mr. President it is in writing
and signed by several House colleagues on behalf
and myself of the twenty-seven thousand voters
of Duval County in which sixteen thousand of them
were African-Americans
that was disenfranchised in this last election.
Is the objection signed
by a member of the Senate?
Not signed by a member of the Senate;
the Senate is missin'.
Mr. President,
it is in writing and signed by myself
on behalf of many of the diverse constituents
in our country,
especially those of the 9th congressional district
and all American voters who recognize
that the Supreme Court,
not the people of the United States,
decided this election.
Is the objection signed by a Senator?
Unfortunately, Mr. President,
it is not signed by one single senator.
I have no authority
over the United States Senate
and no Senator has signed.
Mr. President,
it is in writing and signed by myself
and several of my constituents from Florida.
A Senator is needed, but missing.
Is the objection,
uh, in writing and signed
by a member of the House and a senator?
The objection is in writing,
and I don't care that it is not,
it is not signed by a Member of the Senate.
The Chair will advise that the rules do care,
uh, and...
Not a single senator came to the aid
of the African-Americans in Congress.
One after another they were told
to sit down and shut up.
It's a sad day in America,
Mr. President,
when we can't find a Senator
to sign these objections...
Gentleman will suspend,
the gentleman will suspend.