Anyone want some grits?
Relaxing at Camp David.
Yachting off Kennebunkport.
Or being a cowboy on the ranch in Texas.
I love the nature;
I love getting in the pickup
truck with my dogs.
George Bush spent the rest of August
at the ranch where life was less complicated.
I love to dig the soil looking for bugs
and uh, so um, I went out there the other day
and there was Barny buried in this hole
chasing an armadillo.
It was a summer to remember.
And when it was over,
he left Texas for his second favorite place.
On September 10,
he joined his brother in Florida
where they looked at files
and met important Floridians.
He went to sleep that night
in a bed made with fine French linens.
You suppose he's pretty confident
on those numbers on Iraqi security forces?